Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Easter 2013

I sure love holidays, and they are becoming so fun around here!!!

Easter Morning, eating breakfast...they are so happy in the morning!

The Easter Bunny came!!! (Rookie Bunny forgot the batteries, and was up till 1 building that tower!)

I don't plan on going this big every year, we just got the toys on a really good deal, we bought them and put them away for the next holiday. 

Sam has awesome morning hair!

Vanessa can't wait to play with Sam!

Look at her eyeing her toy!!!

Vanessa's Easter dress! (Too fluffy for me, but she was so cute!)

Getting family picture are hard!!! Sam is too busy!

Sam loves his sister and gives her kisses all the time!

He also loves his dog!!! Sam and Zeus are great buddies!!!



Daisypath Anniversary tickers