Do to recent events, I think it might be time to make our blog private. I am still not 100% if I will make it private, but I don't want some people looking at my blog and seeing what we are up make a clean brake. This also means that I will probably no longer be linking my blog to my facebook, even though these people have been blocked from my facebook, I want to keep my blog a little more private than facebook. If you would like access to our blog, please leave a note with your email address or send me an email to
Thanks and thanks to all our true friends and supporters.
I'd like an invite. I use for blogging, so please send the invite there. Thanks!
hey, happy anniversary bytheway a little late. I would like an invite if you decide to go private
If you go private, I would like an invite.
Hey if you go private, I'd like an invite
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