We held our first ever Christmas party last night. We had so much fun! We started with a game of Catch Phrase. Then we ate some yummy food! Then it was time for White Elephant gifts! For the white elephant game, in order to get a gift you have to roll dice, if it is doubles, then you can take a gift from the center or steal from someone else. The presents stay wrapped until everyone has a gift. We ended the night with the famous couch game!

Shalise, Chad, Donny, Tyler
Thanks Tanya, Donny, Megan, Tyler, Lilian, Tim, Shalise and Chad for spending a wonderful evening with us! We love this time of year and are glad we were able to spend some of it with you! We love you all! Merry Christmas! We were missing some great friends who had plans, or live out of town...maybe next year you'll be able to make it!
Looks like you guys had a great time! Merry Christmas!
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